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Archiv výstav | 2014

Four after school

5. 12 31. 12. 2014

Exhibition from the cycle “Photographic schools of Europe”.


Exhibition of teachers of photography in SSUPŠ Zámeček in Plzeň.

How people were having fun

7. 11 2. 12. 2014

Exhibition from the cycle „Historical photography”.

Pictures from 1860 to 1914.
Exhibition in celebration of 175 years of photography.

K.O.K.F.O.T. 2014

10. 10 1. 11. 2014

Exhibition from the cycle “Photographic groups”.

Exhibition of photographers group, which first presented the outstanding installation on a festival of art projects Cheb Backyards 2013.

Members of the group: K.arolina Rusňáková, O.la Chytra, K.lára Vomelová, F.ilip Rojík, O.ndřej Kalmán, T.ereza Kožíšková

Behind the curtain or On the move with Cimrmans

5. 9 7. 10. 2014

Exhibition from the cycle “Retrospect”.

Theater photos of the stage and backstage of the famous czech theater.


4. 7 30. 8. 2014

Exhibition from the cycle “Slovak photography”

Works of significant Slovak photographer and university teacher who has achieved of important anniversary last year.

Pictures from Italy

2. 5 30. 6. 2014

Exhibition from the cycle “Art photography”.

Retrospective exhibition of Italian photographer. His black and white works continue in minimalist tradition in photography.

Nordic state

4. 4 29. 4. 2014

Exhibition from the cycle “Documentary photography”.

Danish art photographer focuses on the extreme closeup of people/persons in the north. Exhibition brings into discussion the relationship between humanity and state.

Eye (from) street

7. 3 1. 4. 2014

Exhibition from the cycle “Projects and workshops”

Results of socially oriented project which ran from 2005 in England, Czech Republic, France and Senegal.  “Street children” photographed everyday life in their gangs. Presentation of  same named Czech-french book.

KontAKTfoto 2013

31. 1 1. 3. 2014

Exhibition from the cycle “Projects and workshops”

Results of 17th annual run of photographic workshop of portrait and act with international participation, under the supervision of German photographer Thomas Brenner.


3. 1 29. 1. 2014

Exhibition from the cycle „New faces”.

Exhibition of photographic works of fine arts graduate at University of West Bohemia in Plzeň. At the forefront of her creative interest is painting, photography, fashion design, but also conceptual creation and happening.