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Archiv výstav | 2017

Vladimír Židlický - Private games / Sára Saudková - Joy

3. 11 28. 1. 2018

The exhibition of Photos from Vladimír Židlický.

The exhibition of Photos from Sára Saudková.


1. 9 29. 10. 2017

The exhibition will present 4 artistic groups that have been created in the last 5 years.

Vernissage - 1st September 2017 from 6 p.m.

Michel Thersiquel - Bretaň / Breizh

14. 7 27. 8. 2017

Retrospective exhibition of photographs. Michel Thersiquel was one of the most important photographer from Bretaň.

Vernissage 14th July from 6 p.m.

The exhibitions - CHEB BACKYARDS 2017

2. 6 2. 7. 2017

The Vernissage 15th June from 4.30 p.m.

People I have met

21. 4 28. 5. 2017

The exhibition of documetary photographer Jaroslav Kučera.

Antonín Kratochvíl - Photos

7. 4 28. 5. 2017

The exhibition of documentary and art photography from Antonín Kratochvíl - one of the most important personalities of the world of photography. He show us photos from collection Moscow Nights.

Jiřina Mužíková - Malawi

3. 3 2. 4. 2017

Photos from a humanitarian mission in Malawi.


3. 3 16. 4. 2017

Diptychy from Ladislav Šolc

KontAKTfoto 2016

3. 2 26. 2. 2017

The 21th edition photographic workshop portrait and nude

Exhibition from the cycle “projects and workshops.”

Ivana Lomová

9. 12 31. 1. 2017

Art Center Gallery 4 presents an exhibition of Ivana Lomová -
prominent performer photorealistic paintings.