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Other exhibitions

September | 1. 9 29. 9. 2016

The exhibition of Photos and paintings of members and guest Ateliéru G4 in gallery club.

June | 8. 6 30. 8. 2016

Exhibition of photographs from Tereza z Davle in gallery club.

May | 13. 5 7. 6. 2016

Výstava prací studentů 3. a 4. ročníku oboru Fotografické tvorby v galerijním klubu.

April | 8. 4 28. 5. 2016

Exhibition of photographs from Nikola Pinkasová Pilařová in gallery club.

February | 19. 2 6. 4. 2016

Exhibition of photographs from Andrea DOBEŠOVÁ in a gallery club.

January | 22. 1 17. 2. 2016

Exhibition of drawings by the artist from Cheb Etela Laňková in the gallery club.



November | 9. 11 20. 1. 2014

Exhibition of the members of the civil association G4 in West Bohemia Theatre in Cheb – Thalia café

September | 29. 9 30. 10. 2013

Extibition of projekt „PappenStill” in West Bohemia Theatre in Cheb.

September | 18. 9 15. 10. 2013

Exhibition of czech photographs in german´s gallery Badhaus in  Kulbach.

March | 21. 3 14. 4. 2013

Exhibition of czech performers in german´s gallery Badhaus in  Kulbach. 

January | 18. 1 29. 8. 2013

Vladimír Brunton´s exhibition in gallery Café Bartholomeus, Cheb

October | 17. 10 31. 10. 2012

Members of the civil organization Ateliér Karolína Koblenová and Pavel Cupák present their work in the gallery Badhaus, Kulmbach, Germany.

October | 6. 10 5. 11. 2012

Exhibition from the project of Gallery 4 and the Association La Veduta in the Galerie du Présidial, Quimperlé, France

August | 17. 8 31. 12. 2012

Exhibition in gallery Café Bartholomeus, Cheb