An interactive and retrospective exhibition of the German photographer and teacher.
Opening hours
TU-SU 10 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. (visitation to 5:30 p.m...
© Galerie 4
internetové stránky Studio ILLEK 2009
The exhibition of Photos and paintings of members and guest Ateliéru G4 in gallery club.
Exhibition of photographs from Tereza z Davle in gallery club.
Výstava prací studentů 3. a 4. ročníku oboru Fotografické tvorby v galerijním klubu.
Exhibition of photographs from Nikola Pinkasová Pilařová in gallery club.
Exhibition of photographs from Andrea DOBEŠOVÁ in a gallery club.
Exhibition of drawings by the artist from Cheb Etela Laňková in the gallery club.
Exhibition of the members of the civil association G4 in West Bohemia Theatre in Cheb – Thalia café
Extibition of projekt „PappenStill” in West Bohemia Theatre in Cheb.
Exhibition of czech photographs in german´s gallery Badhaus in Kulbach.
Exhibition of czech performers in german´s gallery Badhaus in Kulbach.
Vladimír Brunton´s exhibition in gallery Café Bartholomeus, Cheb
Members of the civil organization Ateliér Karolína Koblenová and Pavel Cupák present their work in the gallery Badhaus, Kulmbach, Germany.
Exhibition from the project of Gallery 4 and the Association La Veduta in the Galerie du Présidial, Quimperlé, France
Exhibition in gallery Café Bartholomeus, Cheb