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Other exhibitions

November | 1. 11 31. 12. 2006

Gallery 4 presents collections of the results from international workshop of portrait and act nude from 2004 - 2005 on the “Month of the photography” festival in Hof.

October | 2. 10 31. 12. 2006

Exhibition of photographies of o. s. Atelier G4 in the workframe of Czech-French project “From one shore to the other”

May | 26. 5 20. 7. 2006

26. 5. - 20. 7. Jaroslav Róna - work of a painter

29. 7. - 24. 9. Pavel Mára - large-scale photography

May | 24. 5 24. 9. 2006

Exhibitory area

Czech photography - exhibition of large-scale (4×5 m) photographies of nineteen main Czech photographers (wall fortifications).

Object for fun - Pavel Cupák - collection of ten wooden plastics, intended for children (castle moat near Hradební street)

Wooden and stone objects - Václav Fiala - three stone and five wooden objects of the winner of a sculpture contest in Sydney (Australia) from 2005 (fields)

January | 1. 1 31. 12. 2006

In cooperation with the Friends of old Cheb Society

January - February Vedutas of Cheb - Jindřich Turek - aquarels

March - April Putty knife and brush - Jiří Černý - exhibition of a member of Regional Arts Association

May - June Still life - Karel Matoušek - exhibition of Cheb artist

July - August From the graphic atelier - exhibition of students of Arts school in Nighnyj Tagil in workframe of KVbH

September - October Lubomír Stiburek - Art nude in blue - exhibition of photographies of a member of Friends club of Gallery 4

November - December Hana Fischerová - Body oh body - exhibition of a member of o. s. Atelier G4

December | 1. 12 31. 1. 2006

Exhibition hall Thálie - Cheb

December | 1. 12 31. 12. 2005

Exhibition of the project - city hall Cheb

October | 1. 10 30. 11. 2005

Exhibition on the Collonade of “Salty” and “Meadow” springs in Františkovy Lázně.

April | 1. 4 30. 4. 2005

Hotel de Region, Nantes, France

April | 1. 4 30. 4. 2005

Chateau de la Gobiniére, Orvault, France

April | 1. 4 30. 9. 2005

April - June Liberation of Cheb

July - August Pictures - Václav Malina

September Father and son - Tomáš and Jakub Švédové - Pictures and objects

October Union of artists of Carlsbad

February | 1. 2 28. 2. 2005

Imagination Exhibition

January | 1. 1 31. 12. 2005

4. 6. - 31. 7. From the scraps - Exhibition of corespondence and photographies of Jan Saudek

7. 12. - 28. 2. Art nude in blue - Lubomír Stiburek

September | 1. 9 1. 12. 2004

With a little star - thematic exhibition of o.s. Atelier G4, ironizing consume direction of magazines for youth (September)

Return to myself - reprise of exhibition of Zbyněk Illek, dedicated to his almost 20 year long work, commemorating his life jubilée (October)