An exhibition of a Slovak photographer who focuses mainly on photography combined with a number of artistic elements and photographic montages.
Opening hours
TU-SU 10 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. (visitation to 5:30 p.m...
© Galerie 4
internetové stránky Studio ILLEK 2009
Commented photo projection with a discussion by a Czech photographer.
Přenesení rozhlasové hry na divadelní prkna bez jakékoli transformace. Pouze s možností vidět její vznik. Rozpačití performeři podávají vcelku suverénní výkon.
The story of emigrants Kateřina and Milan Pojarovi with a presentation of a book, a projection of photos and a music program in the gallery club.
Meeting with worldwide renowned photographer on the occasion of his jubilee wiht projection of photographs.
The film “Absence of proximity” on parental love in the loneliness of the film, in the presence of filmmakers at gallery coffee.
Discussion with Michael Zantovsky in the gallery club about current topics and his former and contemporary work.
Discussion on the work of International Humanity volunteer doctors with a screening of photos from a mission in Malawi.
Lecture Cheb in the 19th century with the projection of historical photographs.
The performance “Solo for Bedrich” and the fairy tale of Anička and the airplane with a workshop for children and youth.
Book signing with a beseda and opening of the exhibition “Journeys of the Marmalade Queen”
Projection of the author’s film “Jump into the Water” and songs.
discussion with autographing and photo projection
Discussion with autograph and song.
Discussion with the autographing of a successful book by a Czech painter and writer.