A retrospective exhibition on the occasion of a life anniversary.
Opening hours
TU-SU 10 a.m. -5 p.m. (visitation to 6 p.m.)...
© Galerie 4
internetové stránky Studio ILLEK 2009
The Czech - French project (photography, painting), which was created in 2014 in cooperation with the La Veduta Art Association in Bretagne.
Photographic workshop at the monastery in Chotěšov.
Weekend workshop under the guidance of Tomáš Rasl, lecturer.
Fotograficky workshop k 700. Výročí narození Karla IV.
International Workshop of photography and portraits of the act, which takes place since 1996.
Creative Workshop with cultural program
Pre-Christmas creative workshop for children and adults in the Galerie 4
Czech - French artist’s workshop.Czech - French artist’s workshop.
Visual workshop for the students of the school SSUPŠ Zámeček
Visual workshop for members of the civil association Ateliér G4
Traditional pre-Christmas workshop for children and adults in the Gallery 4.
International Workshop on the photograph of the document
Czech-Russian project City, village, landscape, people is a reciprocal Workshop Gallery 4 and the Art faculty of the State Pedagogical Institute in Nizhny Tagil.
September - Weekend workshops for children and parents, painting and drawing, painting on silk, jewelry, ceramics