Anglican church in Mariánské Lázně
In cooperation with Aroko agency: Lightning pictures from Russia, curator PhDr. P. Scheufler and Uganda - Jiří Pasz.
Lightning pictures from Russia - exhibition of manually colored photographies from the end of the 19th century, taken by František Krátký and anonymous photographers. The exhibition captures coronation of tsar Mikuláš and the life of folk living near the railroad. Curator of the project is PhDr. Pavel Scheufler. (May - June)
Uganda - Jiří Pasz, student of Palacký university in Olomouc, field of humanitarian aid and social work. In framework of study and membership in non-profit organisation Fair Trade, he visits countries of so-called global south and brings witness of the life of the ordinary people. His works are classic black and white photographies. (August - September)