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They fight for us too

They fight for us too
They fight for us too
They fight for us too
17. 2. 2023 - 15. 4. 2023

Exhibition from the cycle “Aktuality”. Contemporary, Ukrainian, war photography. The exhibition was realized in cooperation with the Association of Professional Photographers of the Czech Republic, the Ukrainian Association of Professional Photographers and the Czech Photo Center.

Authors: Pavlo Dorohoi, Andrij Dubchak, Yurko Dyachyshyn, Alexey Furman, Alena Grom, Mstyslav Chernov, Serhii Korovayny, Kostiantyn a Vlada Liberov, Evgeny Maloletka, Sergi Mykhalchuk, Mikhail Palinchak , Danilo Pavlov, Viacheslav Ratynskyi, Olga Kovalova, Alina Smutko


Curators of the exhibition:

Jan Pohribný, MQEP - photographer, pedagogue, president of the Association of Professional Photographers of the Czech Republic

Igor Malijevský - photographer, poet, novelist